
At Singlebrook, we're using Styleguide Driven Development to create efficiency and strengthen code quality. Jeff Amaral led a session at Cornell Drupal Camp 2015 on the topic of Styleguide Driven Development. He has shared his slides here as...
My last article Modernize Your Drupal Theme tackled adding some modern touches to your legacy Drupal themes such as SCSS and Compass. With Drupal 8 on the horizon, Drupal theming is changing in some substantial ways. I'd like to take a look over the course of a few posts at the process of converting a current Drupal 7 theme to work with Drupal 8.
Being relatively new to Drupal, I was overwhelmed recently by the task of implementing a base theme and three sub-themes for a customized system of Drupal sites we were developing at Singlebrook. I needed a clear, simple way to...