Committed Consulting*

Singlebrook is committed to the long-term success of our clients and their software.
*No ring required!

Our commitment to our client's long-term success means that we're different from the average tech consultancy in many ways. Here are a few examples of how Singlebrook builds long-term, trusting relationships.

Singlebrook Other consultants...
Company Stability
Company Stability We've been in business as Singlebrook since 2006. However, many of our clients have been working with us for longer. Some of our current relationships started around the year 2000! ...often close up shop completely or disappear unexpectedly.
Craftsmanship We build maintainable software, and we strive to make software better every time we touch it. In fact, craftsmanship is one of our core values. ...cut corners for short-term benefits, leading to a great deal of long-term pain. Some shops won't even provide support for the software they've written!
Transparency We are highly transparent in our work. Our clients always know exactly what we're working on, from our use of collaborative project management tools, to our clear and detailed invoices. ...are mysterious about what they're doing, how long it will take, and how much it will cost.
Communication Our hiring process ensures that every team member is a clear communicator. We speak with humans at least as well as we do with computers. ...have trouble communicating clearly with other humans. They might be able to write code, but without strong human communication you can't write the right code.