
We created a widget to support and promote the B Corp community. B Corps can add the widget to their site and each time the page loads,  it will rotate through links to other B Corps and to the main B Lab web site. If you're a certified B...
At Singlebrook, we’ve brought together a team of exceptionally great programmers. Tech talent is in increasingly high demand, so it’s no easy task to recruit, screen and finally hire employees who will meet the high technical standards our clients are accustomed too. Add to it finding the right cultural fit, which for us means someone who is deeply passionate about programming, as well as committed to our social and environmental mission of Technology for Change, and you’ll find that a well-honed strategy is needed to keep the qualified candidates coming. Here we’ve compiled the best of our hiring tips into a blog article that we hope will be useful when contemplating how to handle the search for developers. In an industry such as custom web and mobile application development, where highly-skilled technical workers are in high demand, it’s smart to approach the job ad and the careers page on your website as a marketing piece...  -
Several members of our team recently participated in the annual Rails Rumble, a programming competition in which teams made up of 1-4 people have 48 hours to build a Ruby on Rails-based web application. After a weekend of...
I've always heard that kill and kill -9 send different signals but I never knew the details.  The The GNU C Library has a good reference of the  termination signals, and man -S 1 kill explains the numbers. ...
Here's a nice ruby 1.9 discovery to brighten your day. In 1.8 we had to: - require File.expand_path('../relative/path', __FILE__) - but in 1.9 you can: - relative_require 'relative/path'...
Singlebrook: Please give a brief overview of what your organization does. Marissa Feinberg: The organization that we’re launching is Flockd, Inc. It was inspired by the need for such a collaboration and productivity tool in coworking spaces. My coworking space, Green Spaces, is a shared coworking space in New York City filled with environmental and social entrepreneurs. They’re all doing really great work to change the world! We encourage collaboration at Green Spaces, however, the majority of connections occur when there is quite a bit of facilitation on my part and that of our Community Manager. We wanted to create a way for people to feel they can freely connect with each other without having a facilitator so more great serendipities can happen more often. For example, you’re new at the space and you walk into the room and open your laptop -- you don’t know anyone around you. You don’t know if they’re open to talking or if they’re really busy. You don’t know what they do. We wanted to create a tool that can be used by anyone, anywhere (in a networking environment, at a cafe, at a coworking space) to put out there and say, “I’m open to connection.” -
Infographic via -
A recent article by Al Gonzalez features an interview with Singlebrook CEO Elisa Miller-Out.  -
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If you're using a CDN to serve your static assets, your webfonts may break if you don't provide the correct CORS headers. Update: be sure to turn...
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