Singlebrook Techspring is a Technology for Change (T4C) initiative started in Summer 2011 that has been in progress through the recent launch of SolWorks' new website. We're happy to release Parts 1 & 2 of the Techspring video series, shot in...
*Feel free to browse the code from this tutorial in my sandbox repository at In Part 1 of this tutorial, we created a custom Bean type that provides reusable blocks of tweets from a specified twitter user. In Part...
*Feel free to browse the code from this tutorial in my sandbox repository at This tutorial is a follow-up to a recent article on Minimalist Drupal Development, where I made the case for judicious module selection...
via AlleyWatch - BY WOMEN INNOVATE MOBILE · MARCH 1, 2013 · 1 - INTERVIEWS, TECHS AND THE CITY - Startup accelerator/incubator programs are fueled by passionate mentors who share their expertise, insights and experience with the founding teams in the...
I recently had the opportunity to run a Lean Startup workshop for the Kessler Program at the Cornell School of Engineering. It was my first time running a workshop on Lean methods, so it was a bit of an experiment for me and I...
Drupal has emerged in recent years as an extremely flexible and powerful resource for creating web applications. It's done that by creating an infrastructure that simplifies the process of building new functionality and an...
Because I switch between ColdFusion and Ruby on a weekly basis, when I work on ColdFusion I sometimes miss some of the features that I have in Ruby. Like having a hash return a nil when a key doesn't exist, rather than getting an error when a key...
After Parallels died on me earlier this week, I went looking for a quick and easy way to install a new set of Windows virtual machines on my Mac. Ievms via xdissent makes it stupid simple to get a testing environment up...