Call2Action Benefit Corporation Spark
A big victory for sustainable business is being celebrated on February 10th as leaders of the benefit corporation movement gather in NYC to file changes to their corporate structures under new New York State legislation. A benefit corporation is a new kind of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. Two CEOs from the tech industry’s woman-owned businesses have partnered to support benefit corporations using innovative technology.
The Benefit Corporation Spark above is an example of this. Call2Action’s proprietary Spark technology is a complete “campaign-in-a-box” in the form of a portable microsite that can be used anywhere on the web, including within mobile apps, social networking pages, and email. A Spark allows campaign supporters to take action immediately by sharing a campaign’s video, linking to a web page, or making a donation to a campaign.
Call2Action, led by CEO, Charlotte Rademaekers, partnered with Singlebrook Technology, which is led by CEO, Elisa Miller-Out. Singlebrook is the technology partner building the engine that runs Call2Action’s Sparks. Both companies are certified by B Lab, an independent, third-party nonprofit organization which requires that companies pass rigorous environmental and social sustainability requirements to attain certification. Call2Action and Singlebrook will be among the first New York companies to amend their corporate structures and legally become benefit corporations. The two entrepreneurs look forward to taking their businesses to new heights together, while doing some serious good in the process!