ReBusiness Chamber Challenge Winners Recognized
Singlebrook was named the ReBusiness Chamber Challenge winner! Watch the award acceptance video, courtesy of Moving Box Studios, and check out the press release below!

(Ithaca, NY) – Two Ithaca-based businesses have been recognized by the Chamber of Commerce and Tompkins County Solid Waste Division for reducing the amount of waste they generate.
Under the 2013 ReBusiness Chamber Challenge, businesses and organizations were encouraged to reduce their collective waste footprint by practicing the four R's - Reduce, ReUse, Recycle and ReBuy. The Challenge took place from July to December, with the award winners recognized January 30th at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner and Meeting.
Singlebrook Technology is a web programming and designing firm that achieved a 65% waste diversion rate by recycling toner cartridges, electronics and fluorescent tubes; reusing scrap paper and packaging; and making green purchasing decisions. They are also composting!
Jamex Incorporated offers quality vending and control products for copiers, network printers and other document imaging equipment. It achieved a 50% waste diversion rate by recycling materials such as toner cartridges, electronics and scrap metal, as well as large amounts of plastic packaging and film. They also reuse material and practice green purchasing techniques.
Congratulations to Singlebrook and Jamex for doing their part to help make our community more sustainable! If your business is interested in receiving a free waste assessment and becoming a ReBusiness Partner, contact Tompkins County Solid Waste at (607)273-6632.