Technology for Change: Swidjit
Swidjit is an Ithaca-based social economy / community networking website. It aims to become a hub of all the economic, social, and intellectual activity in this area, assembling together goods, services, opinions, people, opportunities, organizations, and activities in one convenient place. Swidjit was created by an Ithaca entrepreneur and launched locally this month in public beta version.
Swidjit combines the market-place and classified listing aspects of Craigslist with the event listing and social networking aspects of Facebook. Users can choose to post items privately to their network, or publicly to the entire Ithaca community. Potential buyers can make offers involving money, services, Ithaca Hours, material goods, or any other assets they may have to offer. Posting on Swidjit is free, although users may choose to pay a fee to feature an item and increase its exposure.
We encourage fellow Ithacans to start using Swidjit today! It is a great way to strengthen our local economy and community networks!
Singlebrook is happy to share this story of technology for change! If you know of other great examples of T4C, we urge you to join our movement by sharing them in our LinkedIn Group: Singlebrook Technology for Change (T4C), or on Twitter using the hashtag: #SBT4C. Any tweets that use our hashtag will automatically get re-tweeted to our following.