Singlebrook TechSpring - Details of Donated Tech Service Package for Winning Social Venture
Singlebrook TechSpring is our latest T4C initiative. This program brings together a team of vendors that specialize in innovative, mission-driven projects to create an even larger impact than we would otherwise be able to individually.
The Singlebrook TechSpring winner will be announced at the Unreasonable Institute in Boulder, CO on July 25, 2011. The winner will be chosen from the 2011 Fellows of the Unreasonable Institute. The Unreasonable Institute is an international firm that serves as an accelerator for budding high-impact entrepreneurs. Singlebrook TechSpring will assist in launching a social venture that addresses a social and environmental obstacle of a global scale. The venture must be financially sustainable and must be scalable, eventually meeting the needs of at least 1 million people.
The Singlebrook TechSpring service package includes free web programming from Singlebrook and a range of services from other vendors, described below.
CSRWire: Will provide a free profile membership, one free standard press release distribution, plus a featured press release upgrade for a Singlebrook TechSpring announcement.
CSRwire is the leading global source of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability news. Founded in 1999 to advance the movement towards a more economically-just and environmentally-sustainable society and away from single bottom line capitalism, CSRwire has paved the way for new standards of corporate citizenship, earning the international respect of thought leaders, business leaders, academics, philanthropists, activists and the media community. Through innovative techniques and strategic partnerships, CSRwire continues to expand its content, communication technology and distribution channels exponentially. CSRwire's press releases, events, books, and reports reaches a broad and highly-engaged audience in the international CSR market through syndication partners, members, subscribers, visitors, mobile technology, databases, newsrooms, social media networks, search engines, financial portals, websites and online communities. As the exclusive distributor of CSR news and information for PR Newswire, CSRwire offers more visibility than any other newswire in the world.
Topography Marketing & Communications: Will provide social media consultation and support including a comprehensive social media plan, profile setup and optimization, initial support in developing a targeted following for 3 months, and monthly support, consultation, and training for six months.
Topography Marketing & Communications is a new media marketing firm based in Ithaca, New York. We help businesses and organizations who are making a difference in the world convey their message and engage their markets through the authentic use of digital and social media. We guide our clients through strategic planning, empower them through training, and support them with ongoing consulting and maintenance.
Communications4Good: Will provide a generous contribution of public relations and positioning consultation.
Communications4Good is a Public Relations firm that tells "strategic stories that create connections and inspire goodness in a sustainable world."
iContact: Will provide free email marketing and social media consulting services, plus free email marketing for one year for up to 10,000 subscribers.
iContact is an email marketing firm and certified B Corp whose purpose is to help companies and causes succeed online.

Provoc uses technology and design to drive social change and innovation. We strategize the creation and promotion of brands with graphic design, print media, state-of-the-art web technologies, illustration, copywriting and more.
See3 Communications: Will provide consulting on how to incorporate online video into a marketing campaign.
See3 Communications is the leading provider of new media services to the nonprofit sector. Founder of the DoGooder Nonprofit Video Awards with YouTube, See3 creates and consults about new media to activate people and advance social causes. See3 CEO Michael Hoffman (@michael_hoffman) is a thought leader in how change agents can find opportunities in our new world of converging media technologies.